Nvidia docker ubuntu 18.04 cuda container
Nvidia docker ubuntu 18.04 cuda container

nvidia docker ubuntu 18.04 cuda container
  1. #Nvidia docker ubuntu 18.04 cuda container how to#
  2. #Nvidia docker ubuntu 18.04 cuda container install#
  3. #Nvidia docker ubuntu 18.04 cuda container drivers#
  4. #Nvidia docker ubuntu 18.04 cuda container driver#

git clone git:///git/gstreamer/gst-plugins-bad Now, let’s clone repository and build plugins. Note: in gst-plugins-bad repository plugins need more quality, testing or documentation Nvidia gstreamer plugins located in gst-plugins-bad package. For example: unzip Video_Codec_SDK.zipĬp Lib/linux/stubs/x86_64/* /usr/local/cuda/lib64/stubs Build nvenc, nvdec gstreamer plugins

#Nvidia docker ubuntu 18.04 cuda container install#

In order to install Video Codec SDK simply extract files from downloaded archive and move includes & libs to your cuda path (ex.: usr/local/cuda/). Note: Legacy versions of Video Codec SDK download page Install But in my case I managed everything to work with previous version of Nvidia Video Codec SDK 9.0 with next requirements:

nvidia docker ubuntu 18.04 cuda container

#Nvidia docker ubuntu 18.04 cuda container driver#

Note: In particular case my local Driver Version is 435.21 and Nvidia Video Codec SDK 9.1 requires 435.21 or newer. Use nvidia-smi to check your nvidia driver version. For example, check the requirements for the latest SDK version: Install CUDA Toolkit using official NVIDIA Cuda Installation Guide Install NVIDIA Video Codec SDK DownloadĪt first, go to NVIDIA Video Codec SDK’s page and download compatible with your nvidia driver version.

#Nvidia docker ubuntu 18.04 cuda container how to#

Note: How to check CUDA and cuDNN version

nvidia docker ubuntu 18.04 cuda container

Install CUDAĬheck CUDA version: cat /usr/local/cuda/version.txt

nvidia docker ubuntu 18.04 cuda container

Initial requirements for nvenc, nvdec plugins specified in official gstreamer nvidia plugins README. On test machine plugin isn’t installed yet, so command’s output looks like the following: No such element or plugin 'nvdec' Requirementsįirst, check your GPU supports NVENC, NVDEC SDKs using Video Encode and Decode GPU Support Matrix use OpenGL gstreamer plugins gldownload, glimagesinkĪt the beginning, check if plugins are already installed: gst-inspect-1.0 Nvidia gstreamer plugins nvenc ( nvh264enc) and nvdec.With GPU based plugins applications can process videos up to 3 times faster. Meanwhile with Nvidia Gstreamer plugins ( nvenc, nvdec) we can benefit from GPU capabilities and performance. I’ve given a shot to basically all the other installation methods I could find, with no luck whatsoever.Gstreamer’s plugins avdec_h264 (h264 video decoding) and x264enc (h264 video encoding) optimized for CPU. Unable to make backup link of './usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/' before installing new version: Invalid cross-device linkĪnd the same error goes on for the other 2 packages. tmp/apt-dpkg-install-dozryj/082-nvidia-utils-440_440.33.01-0ubuntu1_bĮ: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)Īttempting to apt -fix-broken install also returns an error with Preparing to unpack. The installation fails at the last step with: Errors were encountered while processing:

#Nvidia docker ubuntu 18.04 cuda container drivers#

To that aim I’m installing the drivers by following what’s presented at Installation guide Linux::CUDA Toolkit Documentation, selecting the CUDA Toolkit 10.2 deb(local) installer instead of the 11.4 one. The container is run with the -gpus all flag and nvidia-smi returns the expected values from inside it. However, I’m now trying to use the CUDA drivers inside a container with a different base image (already quite heavy on its own, seems unfeasible to multistage that over a nvidia base), which needs CUDA 10.2 to compile stuff in it. The CUDA version installed on WSL is the 11.4, with driver version 471.21. I followed the steps at CUDA on WSL to install the Nvidia drivers, which are up and running, as is nvidia-container-toolkit and docker-ce (20.10.8), since the test containers presented there gave no issue. As per the title, I’m trying to install CUDA libraries (10.2) in a Docker-CE container with Ubuntu 18.04 running on WSL2, with no luck.

Nvidia docker ubuntu 18.04 cuda container